Participant Details

The Participant Details screen is accessible wherever the name of a case participant is accompanied by the View Participant Details icon , most commonly in the search results of the Case Participant Search screen. The details for each participant represent a history of that individual in the Pennsylvania Courts of Common Pleas.

The screen is broken up into multiple grids and the amount of detail provided can vary with the history of each participant. Importantly, the Participant Details grid displays some high-level biographical information about the participant, which includes their name, aliases, gender, and date of birth.

The Cases grid, which is more expansive, provides the case history of the participant by county and court division. For example, if a participant has criminal cases in both Chester and York counties, the detail for the cases filed in those counties appear distinctly.

The remaining grids show the names and role(s) of any other participants listed on the case(s) displayed above, any scheduled court events, and a list of filings that were docketed.

As part of the information that displays, clicking on the View Participant Details icon of another individual opens the Participant Details screen for that person. Clicking the View Case Details icon , conversely, transfers you to the Case Details screen for the corresponding case.